
Since Lithuania did not receive the promised plan from Germany, the unanswered questions are now only increasing

It’s been more than a year since Germany Lithuania was promised a brigade – 3-4 thousand. soldiers But it is not yet clear how the Germans are going to settle in Lithuania: the soldiers would change every year like now NATO in the forces in Rukla or the soldiers of the brigade would settle down for a few years and bring their families to Lithuania.

In July, the Minister of National Defense Arvydas Anušauskas stated that it was agreed that the Germans would submit their plan by the end of September.

At the end of September, the minister told LNK news that he still had nothing to share.

“All comments will be made later. And we are improving Lithuania’s infrastructure”, said the minister.

The soldiers will come for a few months or a few years – the difference is not great. If they came for a long time and brought their families, they would need not only more housing, but also schools and health services.

“There are always differences, no doubt. But in this case, the parties also calculate the costs, the added value, what it would bring. The final decisions will be made after everything has been coordinated on the German side,” A. Anušauskas assured.

German politicians say that the best option would be for the soldiers of the brigade to come to Lithuania for a long time.

“I know that there is no final decision yet, but it is much easier to deploy soldiers for a long time – they will gain experience and get to know the country better. It normally happens like this – soldiers come for 2-3 years, officers – for 3-4 years,” said Roderich Kiesewetter, a member of the German parliament.

The National Security and Defense Committee of the Seimas (NSGK) chairman Laurynas Kasčiūnas told LNK news that partial presence is also possible.

“Perhaps it will be partial, a part maybe for 3-4 years, the other part may rotate every 6-8 months,” said the MP.

Lithuania is building new barracks, but they are only for soldiers. According to the Germans, even if the soldiers were to come for a long time, the families would probably be a small fraction.

“In Germany, more than 80 percent of soldiers simply travel to where they need to serve.” They do not take family members with them. This could also be the case when traveling to Lithuania”, thought the member of the German parliament.

According to Lithuanian politicians, it would be easiest to receive the soldiers of the German brigade in Vilnius.

“If there is a decision that Germans want to live in the city, it is immediately easier. And absorb 2-3 thousand. the German’s chances are really considerable. We have a lot of foreign schools here”, said L. Kasčiūnas, the head of the NSGK of the Seimas.

A new training ground is being built near Vilnius, in Rūdninkai, which could be used for the German brigade. According to the current plan, the brigade must move to Lithuania in 2 years. But the Germans themselves name the reasons why this issue is stuck.

“Which can be a challenge and I don’t want to hide it, – in the German forces lack of troops and equipment. At the moment, service in the German army is not very attractive,” said German parliament member R. Kiesewetter.

In June, Gitanas Nausėda and Olaf Scholz visited the Silvester Žukauskas training ground in Pabrade, where German forces are stationed.

Stringa and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s promises to allocate 100 billion to the army.

“Out of 100 billion euros, only a small part – a few billion – is invested. We are still losing because of inflation and high interest rates. So, now there are only about 80 billion left,” said the member of the German parliament.

But, according to the German opposition, the brigade in Lithuania can become a big push to modernize the entire German army.

“I believe that our Minister of Defense sees the deployment of the brigade in Lithuania as a factor that can encourage investments in the Bundeswehr and demand more resources,” said R. Kiesewetter.

According to the Germans, it is necessary to prepare their society as well. This is the first time since the Second World War, which has left many scars, that the Germans have undertaken to ensure the security of another country.

“We must emphasize that the service in Lithuania is elite. German soldierswho protect our freedom in Lithuania, should be proud of that”, said the member of the German parliament.

Among the still unanswered questions is whether the brigade will be exclusively German, or whether the Germans would invite other NATO countries to join. A few months ago, Lithuanians and Germans were not joking about the brigade.

“Any idea that Germany can be pressured or mocked by spreading such content will not help to send a single additional German soldier to Lithuania,” former German ambassador Matthias Sonn told the Seimas.

Now it’s different. The German Minister of Defense repeated last week in Estonia that the brigade will be in Lithuania. There are no doubters in Lithuania either.

And the Minister of National Defense A. Anušauskas urges to wait for the details.

See the full LNK news report here:

Aynura Imranova

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