
The four-month summer is over: autumn dargana is returning to Lithuania

Clouds of a warm atmospheric front will pass through the country on Tuesday night. There will be very few clearings, and we will get intermittent rain in most of the country. A moderate southwesterly, southerly wind will blow. The night is expected to be quite warm, the temperature will drop to 9-14, only 15-16 degrees on the seashore.

We will be in the warm part of the cyclone on Tuesday. The clouds will move rapidly in the first half of the day, the sky will clear in the greater part of Southern Lithuania. We will get short-term and sparse rain only in places, more likely in the north of the country in the first half of the day. The south-west wind will gradually strengthen, the gusts of which will already increase to 15-17 m/s on the western coast. However, the weather will warm up really quickly and we will again enjoy 19-24 degrees of heat.

On Wednesday, the cyclone will hit Lithuania with full force. At night, the sky will cloud over quite quickly, and it will rain in many places. During the day, there will also be a lot of clouds, from which short-term rains will fall in the greater part of the country. Somewhere you can hear another rumble of thunder. A southwesterly, westerly wind will blow, the gusts of which will already reach 15-20 m/s in many areas. The temperature should not fall below 10-15 degrees at night, but it will be cooler during the day – the air will warm up to 13-18 degrees.

As one cyclone recedes on Thursday, another small but active low-pressure vortex will rush in to take its place. Cloudiness will remain high both at night and during the day, and in many places the sky will remain overcast around the clock. It will rain all over the country, and in some places, it is more likely to rain heavily in the west of the country. The wind will decrease a little, will turn from the west, northwest, but gusts reaching 15-18 m/s will still be expected in places. At night, the temperature will drop to 8-13, and during the day, due to clouds and intense rain, it will not warm more than 11-16 degrees.

On Friday, the atmospheric pressure will increase a little, the sky will be a bit more clear. However, short, mostly light rain is expected in most of the country. The northwesterly, westerly wind will remain gusty, but dangerous gusts are no longer expected. During a calmer night, the air will cool down faster – up to 6-11 degrees, and during the day it will remain warm at 12-17 degrees.

According to current data, cyclones will not leave Lithuania during the weekend, so it will rain in many areas, and the temperature will change slightly.

Aynura Imranova

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