Azerbaijan news

The prison term of Hafiz Babali has been extended

The journalist protested the decision

Hafiz Babali, an employee of “Turan” Information Agency, another of the journalists detained in the criminal case related to “AbzasMedia” has been detained for an extended period of time during the investigation.

On July 9, Khatai District Court heard the prosecutor’s presentation in this regard.

Aggregation of sites

Aggregation of sites

In court, the investigator defended the presentation and said that the investigation is ongoing and certain investigative actions should be taken.

It is appropriate to keep Hafiz Babali in prison during this period. Because if he is released from prison, there is a possibility of evading the investigation and influencing the witnesses.

For this reason, the term of preventive detention should be extended.

Hafiz Babaly and his lawyer Rasul Jafarov objected to the presentation and requested that it not be granted.

Hafiz Babaly said that the accusation of smuggling made against him is baseless.

He stressed that the reason for his arrest was journalistic activity and investigations related to corruption.

His lawyer also said that he is innocent. At the same time, Hafiz brought Babali’s health problems to the attention of the judge.

The defender said that Hafiz Babali’s eyesight is limited, that’s why he was assigned a disability. Moreover, he suffers from vascular disease.

Rasul Jafarov filed a motion for his client to be placed under house arrest during the investigation period.
However, the judge did not grant his request.

The prosecutor’s presentation has been confirmed – the period of detention of Hafiz Babaly has been extended until September 20.

The lawyer said that he will file an appeal against this decision of the Khatai District Court.

Before that, the period of detention of other journalists imprisoned in the “AbzasMedia” case was also extended.

Arrests in the “AbzasMedia” case, known for its corruption investigations, began on November 20.

First, the site’s director Ulvi Hasanli, deputy director Mahammad Kekalov, and editor-in-chief Sevinj Vagifqizi were arrested.

Later, arrests continued with investigative journalist Hafiz Babali, Nargiz Absalamova and Elnara Gasimova.

They are also charged with Article 206.3.2 (smuggling by a group of persons) of the Criminal Code.

The sanction of this article provides for imprisonment from 5 to 8 years.

After Ulvi Hasanli was detained on November 20, the office of “AbzasMedia” was searched.

It was claimed that 40,000 euros were found in the site’s office.

Ulvi Hasanli said that there was no money there, that 40,000 euros were deposited in the office by those who claimed to have found it.

None of the named journalists plead not guilty, in “AbzasMedia” they said that a number of officials, including members of the President’s family, were punished for investigations related to business and corruption.

After “AbzasMedia”, the managers and employees of “Kanal 13” internet channel, “Toplum TV” news portal and internet television of the same name, “” website, which investigates the activities of the Milli Majlis and deputies, were also arrested on charges of smuggling.

It is alleged that these media organizations received grants from foreign organizations and smuggled those funds into the country.

However, the journalists reject this accusation and state that they were arrested without any evidence related to smuggling.

They stated that the purpose of these arrests is to silence media organizations that investigate corruption and official arbitrariness in the country and inform the public.

“24 saat”

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