
VU professor: a cardinal problem that has matured in education

According to him, teachers’ salaries are indeed raised and should continue to be increased, but, among other things, the job of a teacher is unattractive due to the lack of security and respect.

“Problems in education are old and they are only getting deeper. And they will certainly not be solved by the current Government, as the election cycle approaches. It’s an election year, and election years aren’t good for big decisions. And the cardinal problem that has matured in education is that the profession of teachers has become unattractive and unprestigious,” R. Rudzkis told “Žiniai Radio” on Monday.

“It is in the interest of society that if not the best, then at least really good, charismatic graduates are directed to the teaching profession. There is no such thing, because the profession is not attractive,” he said.

According to the academician, for many years teachers have lacked respect from students, they do not feel safe.

“Such a situation has been created that maximally protects the student from harsher words and actions. But there is no mechanism to protect the teacher from aggression, disrespect, insults”, said R. Rudzkis.

“When such an atmosphere of disrespect for teachers is created, then why does a good student, who is destined to work in the scientific environment or in prestigious companies, have to suddenly turn to the teaching profession and suffer hardship,” he noted.

According to R. Rudzkis, the Government could conduct a “good social survey” and find out the reasons why students do not want to work as teachers, and after interviewing authoritative teachers – how to make the profession more attractive.

ELTA reminds that the teachers’ strike started on Friday. Striking teachers are marching from their educational institutions to Vilnius, near the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports, some are already protesting in the capital V. Kudirka square. One of the five Lithuanian teachers’ trade unions is on strike, demanding a 20% salary increase from this January, and another 30% from the other.

On Thursday, the ministry and other trade unions agreed that teachers’ salaries will increase by 10 percent from January, and by at least 10 percent from September. In addition, 3 percent will continue to be allocated to the salary of general education teachers working according to the updated programs. education funds, as now since the beginning of the school year.

According to R. Rudzkis, teachers’ salaries are already “not so low” and should be increased further. He offers to respond to the requests of the striking teachers.

“In response to this strike, I would definitely recommend to the Government to definitely increase (according to the demands of the striking trade union – ELTA),” R. Rudzkis said.

“If the salary were to grow faster than the average salary, the profession would become prestigious, at least from the salary side,” said the academician.

Aynura Imranova

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