
The education and science trade union led by Milešin decided not to announce a teachers’ strike

“A decision was made to approve the agreements reached, which we presented in the negotiations regarding the renewal of the collective agreement of the branch. The council made a decision to approve and sign the renewal of the collective agreement”, the chairman of the trade union said to Eltai on Monday evening.

“We appreciate what our demands were at the beginning and what we achieved in the negotiations. Negotiation is always about finding compromises. The council appreciated that if you click in one place, you need to come down in another place. The council is satisfied with the overall balance,” E. Milešinas added.

On Monday, the trade union council evaluated Thursday with Ministry of Education, Science and Sports (ŠMSM) reached agreements on teacher salary increases, class reductions and further plans to improve working conditions.

It was agreed on the reduction of the number of students in classes, further salary increases

According to E. Milešin, last Thursday it was agreed with the Ministry to change the Government’s decision and reduce the number of students in classes to 22 in primary education and 26 in older classes. It was also agreed to change the methodology of training funds.

“The methodology of training funds will be changed, as we have mentioned that there are many mistakes in that methodology and lack of funding. It was agreed that by April 1 of next year, it will be agreed how those mistakes will be corrected and that additional funding will be required, which will be allocated,” the head of the trade union presented.

In addition to the agreement to increase teachers’ salaries next year, a solution was found to ensure the increase of teachers’ wages in the future as well.

“Next year, the Government’s commitment will be implemented and on September 1, the goal we agreed on in 2019, that 130 percent will be achieved, will be achieved. from the average salary. Teachers’ salaries will increase both from January and from September,” said E. Milešinas.

“At the same time, it has been agreed that next year, by May 1, we will have a plan for how teachers’ salaries will increase until 2028. Because according to the current party agreement, it is written that until 2030 there is no more than an increase, and that 130 percent is supported. This does not satisfy us, and we found a compromise with the ministry so that next year we will draw up a plan for how teachers’ salaries will continue to grow,” explained the chairman of the trade union.

Also, according to E. Milešin, it was agreed to cooperate with the municipalities in solving the problems of financing education support specialists and pre-school education.

“Another agreement is our demand regarding educational aid and pre-school education financing problems, which is an independent function of the municipality. It was agreed that there will be a tripartite format – the association of municipalities, the ministry and the signed trade unions – all educational aid problems, as well as pre-school education problems, will be solved by finding compromises between all institutions,” he introduced.

On Thursday, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports (ŠMSM) reached an agreement with four trade unions regarding their demands.

The agreement was reached with the Lithuanian Education and Science Trade Union, the Education and Science Trade Union “Solidarity“, the union of trade unions of Lithuanian higher schools, the Lithuanian trade union “Sandrauga” agreed on the renewal of the collective agreement of the Lithuanian education and science branch.

However, no consensus was found with the trade union of education workers, headed by Andriaus Navickos. The union withdrew from collective branch negotiations.

Teachers belonging to A. Navick’s trade union started a month-long strike on Friday.

Aynura Imranova

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