
The expert assessed the results of the elections in Slovakia: the position towards Ukraine is already softening

R. Vilpišauskas said that whether the promises of the party that won the elections in Slovakia will be fulfilled will depend on what ruling coalition will be formed.

“Now we don’t know that yet. Of course, there are predictions that this coalition will be formed by this party, together with the third-largest party in the future parliament, Hlas-SD, which previously broke away from the Smer-SD party.

Most likely, the nationalist party, which will have 10 seats in the future parliament, will also (it will contribute to the coalition, op. p.). Such a coalition would have more than half of all members of parliament.

One important factor of a coalition is that it tends to smooth out the sharper corners of politics. Statements have already been heard from Hlas-SD party leader Peter Pellegrini that Smer-SD leader Roberto Fico will have to make compromises,” emphasized R. Vilpišauskas.

According to him, it is also important whether the statements made during the political campaign, in order to attract the attention of the voters and get more support from them, will be implemented in practice. R. Vilpišauskas said he is noticing signs that Slovakia does not yet need to be built next to Hungary.

Aynura Imranova

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