Azerbaijan news

The Interior Ministry has threatened strict measures against alleged participants in the election protests

In connection with the early elections to the Milli Majlis on September 1 the police will be transferred to an enhanced duty regime, Deputy Interior Minister Ogtay Kerimov said today. Illegal actions will be suppressed, all measures will be taken to prevent violations of public order, he said at a seminar meeting for chairmen of district election commissions.

According to him, after the end of the elections and the counting of votes, the ballots and protocols of the precinct election commissions will be delivered to the district election commissions accompanied by police.

“Violators of the law at polling stations will be punished,” said the head of the Central Election Commission Mazahir Panahov.

The authorities in recent years, as a rule, have refused appeals from representatives of civil society and the opposition about their intention to hold rallies.

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