
The striking teachers’ union submitted a compromise proposal to the ministry

“Tomorrow they are inviting us to the Presidency and to the ministry, so we will go and see what they will offer us, we have also submitted (proposals – ELTA), so tomorrow we will see what will be here,” A. Navickas said to Elta, not wanting to elaborate on the details of a possible compromise.

“Everything is now in the course of negotiations, in the process (…). We said in advance that we tend to compromise, until then the negotiations did not go well,” said the leader of the Education Workers’ Union.

Ministry of Education, Science and Sports On Thursday last week, the striking union of education workers sent proposals for improving the working conditions of teachers. Minister Gintautas Jakštas assured that upon receiving the trade union’s response to the proposals, attempts will be made to continue negotiations with the teachers.

The teachers’ strike continues on Monday. According to the trade union of education workers, the strike will last the whole month.

The proposal presented by the Ministry of Education and Culture in September to raise teachers’ wages by 21 percent next year, with a 10 percent salary increase from January, did not satisfy the education workers’ union. According to A. Navicki, teachers’ salaries should be raised significantly more.

In addition to salary increases, LŠDPS has also expressed the need to reduce the number of students in classes and the workload of teachers.

Aynura Imranova

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