
Government commission – before Alvora builds the Ignalina NPP dump

“Alvora” was the main contractor of the Polish-Lithuanian gas pipeline GIPL, which, as the portal “15min” reported in June, possibly used Russian parts in this strategically important energy connection.

“The Coordinating Commission for the Protection of Important Objects for Ensuring National Security on August 24 did not approve the conclusion of this transaction at the meeting. The government September 13 approved the Commission’s conclusion by resolution. The Commission based its decision on the legal and factual circumstances of the non-compliance of the transaction with national security interests, based on the conclusions of the institutions that performed the verification of the transaction,” the Government Chancellery says in a comment sent to Elta.

In 2022, IAE announced the procurement of the works for the design, construction and connection to the infrastructure of the landfill and external storm sewer networks. October 24 In addition to Alvora, Panevėžys statybos trestas participated in it.

The low- and medium-activity short-lived radioactive waste disposal site will consist of three reinforced concrete modules with a capacity of up to 100,000. cubic m of final packaging of radioactive waste (concrete containers with concreted radioactive waste).

Waste will be placed in it until 2038, when nuclear power plants will be decommissioned.

ELTA reminds that the investigation by “15min” and international partners revealed that part of GIPL may have to be dismantled due to the use of Russian parts.

The investigation emphasized that the main gas pipeline contractor “Alvora” had entered into a deal with a company of the Russian concern “ChelPipe Group”, which supports the Kremlin’s military infrastructure

Aynura Imranova

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