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State Dept Responds To Possible Russian Attacks Near Ukraine-Romania Border: ‘We Are Willing’ To Help In An Investigation

The United States said on Wednesday it’s prepared to assist Romania in investigating the explosions near its border with Russia during the latest Russian air attack, TURAN’s Washungton correspondent report.

NATO member Romania’s military on Wednesday was searching for drone debris near the border with Ukraine following fresh Russian attacks on Odesa, with Romanians reporting hearing explosions.

“The Government of Romania is conducting an investigation into this matter.  We have full confidence in that investigation into the explosion near their border with Ukraine, and we commend them for the professional and deliberate manner in which they are conducting it.” State Department’s spokesperson Matthew Miller told a daily briefing when responding to TURAN’s questions.

Drone fragments have been found before in Romania as Russia has carried out nightly attacks on cities across Ukraine. since Putin’s invasion in February 2022. While the U.S. is not involved in the monitoring process since the investigation is being conducted by Romanian authorities, Miller said, “If they asked us for any cooperation, of course we would be willing to do that, but it’s an investigation being carried out by them.”

Romanian Defense Ministryof defence said Wednesday that two of their Air Force F-16s have already scanned the border area, while searches are being carried out “for possible fallen objects” near the village of Plauru, which faces the Ukrainian port city of Izmail across the Danube.

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