Azerbaijan news

Political analyst Shahin Jafarli is banned from leaving country

Political analyst Shahin Jafarli is banned from leaving the country. The analyst himself informed about it.

The ban was imposed due to Jafarli’s cooperation with  “Toplum TV” internet channel, against which a criminal case was opened in November 2023.

Earlier, Jafarli was questioned on this case at the Baku Police Headquarters as a witness.

Recall that Jafarli was the host of a TV programme on “Toplum TV”.

*On 6-8 March, 9 employees of “Toplum TV” and its partner organisation, the Institute for Democratic Initiatives, were detained. They were accused of smuggling foreign currency. Seven were arrested and two placed under police supervision.

The defendants in the case deny the charges. Human rights activists recognised the arrested persons as political prisoners.

Besides, dozens of journalists and activists were questioned in the “Toplum TV” case. Many of them are banned from leaving the country.

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