Azerbaijan news

Baku accuses Paris of judicial procedures misunderstanding

The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry has rejected the French Foreign Ministry’s statement about the unfair conviction of French citizen Theo Clerc for painting Baku metro carriages.

The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry’s press service said in a comment that the sentence of the French citizen and others who deliberately caused damage to state property is within the competence of the court and the French side has no right to question it.

‘According to the conclusion of the investigation and the court, the French citizen distinguished himself by special initiative and activity in committing the offence,’ the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry said.

The commentary also claims that he behaved insincerely at the trial, claiming that he did not know about the illegality of such actions in Azerbaijan and did not repent. “These factors accounted for his harsher punishment as compared to other defendants.”

The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry, represented by its spokesman Ayhan Hajizadeh, further accused France of “violations of international law, neo-colonial policies, racism, discrimination, Islamophobia and restriction of human rights.”

* Baku’s Narimanov Court on 10 September sentenced three foreigners who painted graffiti on Baku metro cars: French citizen Clerc Theo Hugo, New Zealand citizen De-Saint Quentin İsmael and Australian citizen Han Paul.

The French national was sentenced to 3 years’ imprisonment. The other two were fined 6,800 manats (about 3,500 euros).

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