Azerbaijan news

Ilham Aliyev meets with teachers and students of Karabakh University

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev attended the opening of the Karabakh University in the town of Khankendi on 20 September.

Recall that this university was established by the decision of the head of state after Azerbaijan regained full control over Karabakh in September 2023.

At a meeting with teachers and students, Aliyev called the establishment of the Karabakh University a historic event.

The university’s dormitories were renovated for the opening of the University. New educational buildings will be built in the next three years.

Making a brief excursion to history Aliyev noted that Khankendi is an ancient Azerbaijani settlement which follows from the toponym itself translated as “khan’s village”.

Aliyev reminded that the Kurekchay, Gulustan and Turkmanchay treaties concluded in the early 19 century actually predetermined the subsequent occupation of the region.

The treaties laid the foundation for mass resettlement of Armenians from Iran and Eastern Anatolia to the region.

However, the President continued, thanks to the heroism of the Azerbaijani army, the occupied territories were liberated.

“Exactly one year ago, the heroic Azerbaijani Army fully restored state sovereignty. As a result of an anti-terrorist operation lasting less than a day, the separatists were destroyed, Azerbaijan fully ensured its state sovereignty, international law prevailed and Azerbaijan demonstrated its power once again,’ the head of state emphasized.

In the first academic year – 2024/2025, about 1000 students have been admitted to the Karabakh University, who will study more than 20 specialties at 4 faculties.

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