Azerbaijan news

Afgan Sadigov on hunger strike in Georgian pre-trial detention center

Afgan Sadigov, head of the Azerbaijani website ‘Azel TV’, arrested in Georgia, went on hunger strike in the pre-trial detention center on 20 September.

This was reported to by his wife Sevinj Sadigova.

According to her, Sadigov protests against unjustified criminal prosecution and demands his release.

‘Afgan believes that the Georgian court unfairly detained him on an extradition request from Azerbaijan, ignoring the facts and evidence presented by the defense. The appeal instance also unfairly affirmed this decision. The Government of Georgia also unfairly ruled against him by denying him political asylum. Afgan believes that because the laws in Azerbaijan and Georgia do not work, he was forced to take the extreme step of going on hunger strike. He will starve until his rights are restored,’ Sadigova said.

She said she felt a danger for herself and her two daughters in Georgia.

‘We are constantly being watched. We believe the Azerbaijani government is behind it. We live in fear. Because of the threat to our safety, I do not let my children go to school.

Afgan Sadigov faces deportation to Azerbaijan. An appropriate request was received from the General Prosecutor’s Office of Azerbaijan in July. It says that a criminal case was initiated against Sadigov on 10 May on charges of extortion. He was declared wanted by the court decision.

Recall that Sadigov and his family arrived in Georgia in December 2023, fearing persecution. In mid-July, he was not released from Georgia to Turkey, saying that he could fly only to Azerbaijan.

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