Azerbaijan news

Ilgar Mammadov Leaves Politics

Ilgar Mammadov, the chairman of the Real Alternative (REAL) party and a former political prisoner, has fulfilled his promise to leave politics if he and his party did not achieve success in the elections. Prior to the presidential election (set for February 7, 2024), REAL had not decided on its participation, and in the extraordinary parliamentary elections on September 1, 2024, the party remained in the Milli Majlis with just one previous deputy. In previous parliamentary and presidential elections, REAL was either not allowed to participate in the campaign, or the Central Election Commission declared other candidates as winners. Based on this, I. Mammadov issued a statement yesterday announcing his departure from politics.

I. Mammadov addressed the public’s question regarding why REAL participated in the latest parliamentary elections, given that the party had previously claimed electoral fraud in all election campaigns. “Naturally, it would be easy to explain our defeat as a result of falsification. However, although I received the majority of votes in the September 1 elections, in which I participated for the first time after a 14-year ban, the real outcome was not my actual victory, but the fact that 90% of voters chose not to come to the polls. As a result, Asim Mollazade became a deputy for the sixth time, thanks to ballots cast by voters who did not show up to vote. In the absence of mass protest by the electorate, this situation should only be interpreted as the people’s unconditional support for the current government,” explained the politician.

I. Mammadov expressed pride in his political career and believes that his time in politics has been beneficial to society. He continues to be convinced of the catastrophic consequences for Azerbaijan under the rule of the New Azerbaijan Party. The politician predicts social and economic upheavals in the country over the next 1-5 years. “The government may soften the consequences, but it cannot prevent them,” noted Mammadov. He considers REAL the only political force capable of leading Azerbaijan toward a better future.

The party chairman is stepping down from his post, but will remain a member of the REAL political committee until the next congress. Mammadov stated his intention to refrain from participating in public political discussions but will allow people to contact him for clarification regarding his actions during his leadership of the party from 1998 to 2024.

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