Azerbaijan news

It is reported that Ulvi Hasanli was systematically subjected to inhumane treatment

Rubaba Guliyeva: “We are subjected to physical and psychological pressure by the head of the detention center Elnur Ismayilov and his staff”

It is reported that Ulvi Hasanli, the director of “AbzasMedia” publication, was systematically subjected to inhumane treatment after publicizing the cases of torture against prisoners in the detention center of Baku. His wife, Rubaba Guliyeva, who reported on this, believes that what happened to her was carried out directly on the instructions of the head of the detention center, Elnur Ismayilov.

While listing the inhumane treatment of her husband, Rubaba Guliyeva states that on September 7, when Ulvi Hasanli was taken to the court, she saw Sevinj Vagifgizy (Abbasova), the editor-in-chief of “AbzasMedia”.

Aggregation of sites

Aggregation of sites

When they wanted to say hello, a convoy named Nail brutally slammed Ulvin against the wall and hit him on the back in front of Sevinc and other prison staff. On September 13, at the meeting behind the glass, Ulvi showed me the bruised part of his back from the blow, and said that he had pains in his back. Later, during a meeting with his lawyers, he also showed them. “Despite the fact that the lawyers complained to the relevant authorities, no action was taken against that person named Nail.” – said Rubaba Guliyeva.

According to his wife, during the hot days of the summer, even the breather in the cell where Ulvi Hasanli was kept was always closed for the purpose of torture.

Rubaba Guliyeva emphasized that the bad treatment of Ulvi Hasanli is not limited only to him because he publicized the torture of prisoners in the pretrial detention center. According to him, these pressures do not escape family members either:

“On September 20, Ulvin’s meeting with his daughter once a month was taken away from us with inhumane treatment, they did not allow the meeting. Once a month, I and my 2-year-old daughter are subjected to physical and psychological pressure by Elnur Ismayilov, the head of the Baku Detention Center, and his staff during a meeting with her father. “Elnur Ismayilov could not meet Ulvi’s daughter that day because he went on vacation.”

Rubaba Guliyeva added that on September 27, a small notebook was taken from behind the glass during the next meeting. Although he was told that the booklet would be returned after the meeting, it was not returned:

“I did not know who took it to where and what they were looking for in it. When I objected to this, the supervisors said that it is a new rule, from now on you cannot bring a notepad. I write down the books Ulvi wants in the notebook. Despite the fact that the meetings are behind glass, I am checked down to my underwear every time. I still don’t understand what they’re looking for.”.

About a month and a half ago, Rubaba Guliyeva stated in her press release that Ulvi Hasanli was threatened with death after publicizing the cases of torture against prisoners in the Baku Detention Center. Sayavush, who has been convicted several times, tries to provoke him, attacks him where he is standing, and even took out a razor from his pocket and threatened to cut Ulvi Hasanli several times.

The public relations department of the Penitentiary Service denied the statements about the threat to Ulvi Hasanli’s life.

Arrests in the “AbzasMedia” case, known for corruption investigations, began on November 20 last year. First, the site’s director Ulvi Hasanli, deputy director Mahammad Kekalov, and editor-in-chief Sevinj Vagifqizi were arrested. Later, arrests continued with investigative journalist Hafiz Babali, Nargiz Absalamova and Elnara Gasimova. They are also charged with Article 206.3.2 (smuggling by a group of persons) of the Criminal Code.

The sanction of this article provides for imprisonment from 5 to 8 years.

After Ulvi Hasanli was detained on November 20, the office of “AbzasMedia” was searched. It was claimed that 40,000 euros were found in the site’s office.

Ulvi Hasanli said that there was no money there, that 40,000 euros were deposited in the office by those who claimed to have found it.

None of the named journalists plead not guilty, in “AbzasMedia” they said that a number of officials, including members of the President’s family, were punished for investigations related to business and corruption.

“24 saat”

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