Azerbaijan news

Witnesses Refute Charges Against Tofiq Yagublu

During the court proceedings for opposition politician Tofiq Yagublu on Friday, two defense witnesses were heard. Yagublu’s wife, Maya Yagublu, testified regarding a search of their home and the alleged discovery of large sums of money. She stated that the information in the search protocol was fabricated. The claim attributed to her that the money found in their home was from their daughter’s wedding was false. She clarified that the amount specified in the protocol did not belong to their family.

Next, opposition activist Kenan Basgal provided testimony relevant to claims made by another defendant, Elnur Vagifoglu, who alleged he had given money to Yagublu in the village of Zabrat for obtaining a Schengen visa for “victim” Elshan Huseynov.

Basgal stated that he and Yagublu had traveled to Pirshaghi that day for a meeting of the National Council of Democratic Forces (NCDF). Vagifoglu claimed he handed money to Yagublu in Zabrat around 4 PM. However, according to Basgal, the NCDF meeting began at 4 PM, and he personally collected mobile phones from participants, returning them at 7 PM.

Throughout this time, Yagublu’s phone was on, and the defense noted that cellular network data could track Yagublu’s location at the time when he allegedly received the money. The time of the next court session has not been announced.

*It is worth noting that Tofiq Yagublu, a member of the National Council of Democratic Forces and the Musavat Party, was arrested on December 14, 2023, on charges of fraud, forgery, and the illegal production and use of official documents.

Yagublu has described the charges as fabricated. He has previously faced criminal and administrative persecution. International organizations have recognized him as a prisoner of conscience.

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