Azerbaijan news

Why aren't independent journalists invited to the liberated territories?

On the eve of National Press Day, a Global Media Forum was held in Shusha, focusing on the work of journalists amidst growing disinformation. The Forum’s participants—around 200 journalists from Azerbaijan and other countries—toured Shusha, attended sessions, and listened to President Ilham Aliyev’s speech.

Many issues were discussed, but not a single participant proposed, and the Forum did not adopt, an appeal to the authorities for the release of detained journalists: Sevinj Vagifgyzy, Nargiz Absalomova, Elnara Gasimova, Ulvi Hasanli, Hafiz Babali, Mushvig Jabbara, Ali Zeynal, and others. The Global Forum remained silent on the months-long imprisonment of innocent people. This might be because none of the participants were independent journalists representing media outlets committed to reporting the truth and only the truth.

Why do the organizers of various forums in the liberated territories not invite independent media? Journalist Chingiz Sultansoy is among many who were forced to urgently move to another country to avoid being convicted on absurd charges.

In response to ‘s question about the absence of real journalists at forums in the liberated territories, he agreed that such a privilege, like a trip to Shusha, liberated from 28 years of Armenian occupation—a dream destination not only for journalists but for almost all Azerbaijani citizens—is granted not to independent, but to loyal journalists.

“It is known that you cannot simply go to Shusha—police and military checkpoints on the roads won’t let you through, and you need a special permit to pass. And the permit is given to loyal media and their journalists,” he believes.

“This is the position and policy of the authorities—to not invite journalists who have retained any semblance of independence, to ignore their rights and even their existence. This policy aligns perfectly with the long-term strategy of the country’s leadership to slowly but surely eliminate freedom of speech and press in the country, employing all kinds of repressions against free and independent press. Repressions that have not ceased for the last 30 years.

There have been periods of relaxation, invariably followed by periods of tightening, and the cycle repeats. The latest wave of repression came last autumn when the founder of the AbzasMedia website, Ulvi Hasanli, and editor-in-chief Sevinj Vagifgyzy, along with a group of site staff, were arrested. Then, the co-founder of the ToplumTV YouTube channel, renowned lawyer Alesker Akhmedoglu, and several channel staff, as well as the host of the highly popular Kanal13 Aziz Orujov, were arrested.

Today is July 22—National Press Day. Unfortunately, it has divided into pro-government and independent. Former MP Gultakin Hajiyeva called July 22 the Day of Remembrance for the national press.

On this day, it is essential to remember the contract killings of prominent journalists Elmar Huseynov and Rafiq Tagi, whose murderers have not been found, and the instigators remain unknown. It is clear that such unsolved murders are the best form of censorship for the cornered and struggling to survive independent Azerbaijani press,” explained Chingiz Sultansoy.

Arastun Orujlu, head of the East-West Analytical Center, when asked about the authorities’ disregard for journalists reporting the truth, said that looking at the list of forum participants in Shusha, it is clear that they gathered those who support the Azerbaijani authorities with their words. Guests from Baku, Tbilisi, Russia, and other places promote the authorities. Independent press does not engage in this. Independent media are not invited because they are not propagandists and report on events without praising the authorities,” he said.

“Azerbaijani leadership pursues a policy of division in society, politics, and media: they divide political parties, civil society, and the press into ‘us’ and ‘them.’ Therefore, only media loyal to the authorities can participate in such forums. There, they do not perform their professional duties but listen to leadership directives. Independent media are not present there, and this is not surprising,” added A. Orujlu.

“Why should the authorities invite independent journalists if there are none in Azerbaijan? The country lacks media as an institution of public oversight over the authorities, and only a free press can oversee the authorities,” replied political emigrant journalist Rauf Mirqadyrov with a question to ‘s question.

P.S. Imprisoned journalist Hafiz Babali conveyed a wish from the detention center: please lay a few carnations and roses on the grave of G. Zardabi on National Press Day, on behalf of the imprisoned journalists, as a symbol of censorship and repression.

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