Azerbaijan news

18 international organizations called for political arrests in Azerbaijan

They called on Alain Bersen to consider the issue of political prisoners as a priority

18 international human rights organizations addressed a letter to the new Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Alain Bersey, drawing attention to the human rights situation in Azerbaijan and the mass arrest of journalists and activists.

In their letter to Alen Bersey, they noted that the human rights crisis in Azerbaijan should be a high priority of your office.

Aggregation of sites

Aggregation of sites

“Turan” reported on this on September 18.

International human rights organizations believe that after the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) did not ratify the credentials of the Azerbaijani delegation, as well as on the eve of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29), repressions in Azerbaijan have significantly intensified:

There are almost no independent civil society entities left in the country. Leaders of independent media organizations have been arrested, and authorities have increased pressure on human rights defenders, as well as academics and researchers. “Repression is more and more directed at young activists.”

Noting that human rights defender Anar Mammadli was detained again in April on false charges, the authors assessed his arrest as a “symbolic indicator” of the increase in repression in Azerbaijan in 2024:

“Anar Mammadli, who was detained by plainclothes policemen on April 29, was remanded the next day on the charge of “smuggling”. He called the accusation fictional. Anar Mammadli, a well-known expert on electoral rights and election observation, is also one of the founders of the COP29 – Justice Environment Initiative, which was established on February 20 this year with the initiative of ensuring civil liberties, public participation and establishing justice in the environment.

International organizations drew attention to the fact that the arrest of Anar Mammadli took place immediately after the publication of the preliminary results of the presidential elections held in Azerbaijan in February and the announcement of the creation of the Justice Environment Initiative:

“But Anar Mammadli is not the only political prisoner in Azerbaijan. According to the Azerbaijani civil society, there are more than 300 political prisoners in the country. In this regard, the letter mentions the names of activist Famil Khalilov, researcher Bahruz Samadov, economist Gubad Ibadoglu, trade union activist Afieddin Mammadov. The Azerbaijani authorities began to persecute independent mass media, conducted raids and closed AbzasMedia, Toplum TV and Kanal 13. Journalists – AbzasMedia director Ulvi Hasanli, editor Sevinj Abbasova, head of the Institute of Democratic Initiatives, human rights defender Akif Gurbanov, founder of Toplum TV Alasgar Mammadli, director of Channel 13 Aziz Orujov and journalists Shamo Eminov, Elnara Gasimova, Nargiz Absalamova and Ali Zeynal, as well as political activists Tofig Yagublu and Ruslan Izzatli, investigative journalist Hafiz Babali were arrested.”

The letter emphasized that the Secretary General of the Council of Europe should use all means to call on the Azerbaijani authorities to release Anar Mammadli and other human rights defenders, activists and journalists arrested for political reasons:

“Also, the Azerbaijani authorities should thoroughly review the legislation targeting human rights defenders and civil society and criminalizing their activities, based on the opinions of the Venice Commission.”

At the same time, Secretary General Alen Berse was called upon to refrain from providing political support to the Azerbaijani authorities during his participation in the COP29, and to condemn Azerbaijan’s restrictions on the participation of independent groups, including PACE deputies, in the conference.

Appeal to Stop Repression Campaign in Azerbaijan, Center for Civil Liberties (Ukraine), Support Citizen Network (Ukraine), European Exchange, European Center for the Protection of Human Rights, European Platform for Democratic Elections, Helsinki Human Rights Foundation (Poland), Human Rights Center (Georgia), International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR), Dutch Helsinki Committee, Norwegian Helsinki Committee, Foundation for Political Accountability (Poland), Resource Center for Democracy and Human Rights (Moldova), World Organization Against Torture (OMCT), ZMINA Human Rights Center (Ukraine) and other organizations signed it.

“24 saat”

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